Scotland's Burning Song Card

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Happy Folk Song Friday! Today I am sharing the classic, “Scotland’s Burning”. Sometimes I fiddle around flipping through my (many) folk song books, trying to figure out what song I want to share for the week. But not this week! This selection was inspired by my 3 year old son who has been completely fixated on the song the past few weeks. We had been working on it at my Songworks training this summer and I must have just been singing it absentmindedly at home, and he picked it up and has completely fallen in love with it. He asked me to draw the song (you know I loved that!), and we created an ideograph that I will share with you on Monday, so check back then! We also had a delightful time using this song for dramatic play, involving scarves, a firefighter dress up hat, and other props we found around the house.

Download and print this 4x6 card to add to your song collection. Make sure to let me know if you find these resources helpful, it means the world to me!